Tuesday, April 28, 2009

last of the last

Nicole set adrift on a boat to memory bliss.

There are Mayan women in San Pedro La Laguna who walk around selling delicious, freshly baked cinnamon rolls, coconut bread, chocolate bread, and carrot bread to tourists, which include a high ratio of hippies.

Nicole's unofficial guard dog, Señor Zeke.

gatitos hermanos.

this music was so loud that I had to see what was happening. It was around 10am Monday morning and these compañeros were performing an interesting dance while under the influence of much alcohol.

omg our last week!

well after nearly 3 months we've made it almost full circle. our final stop was Lake Atitlan, near Quetzaltenango(or Xela) where we began our trip. this is kevin in front of our fancy hotel in San Pedro, one of several small towns on the lake.
This is the view from our room. pretty gorgeous.
taken inside the church of another small town on the lake named Santiago Atitlan. every single saint in there had its own tailor made outfit!
most days these mountains and volcanoes surrounding the lake were hidden by foggy clouds, but here's a bit of the famous view. we tried to kayak on 2 occasions and found we had a knack for going right as the wind picked up!
nicole's on a suspension bridge in the middle of the Panajachel (the biggest town on the lake) Nature Reserve. We actually saw spider monkeys in the wild! oh, wait a second.. they're surrounded by an electric fence.
don't let the label fool you. this Mayan liquor, aguardiente, is not as cute going down as the label suggests. i don't know how many of these bottles we brought home..kevin was obsessed!
well i finally found another volunteer project, if only for 1 week. this is the fence i helped build by lashing cornstalks to a makeshift wooden frame. i was told it's to keep dogs (and drunk guys) from bothering the spanish school's gardens and students.
here's the terrace of our other hotel on the lake. yes, also beautiful. i loved san pedro, it was so mellow and full of cheap, delicious food and accommodations. we still don't know why there were so many israelis here and nowhere else in our travels? a great place to end our amazing trip.

Friday, April 17, 2009

qoo-qoo for quetzals

i don`t think we mentioned going to a biotope for quetzals, guat`s national bird. i don`t know why it`s called a cloud forest, but we did see some gorgeous tropical foliage, a rad big snake, and a quetzal`s cousin. we`re told that the real thing is very illusive, and not to take it personally that we didn`t see one.

Here in San Pedro by the lake, Nicole is doing volunteer yard work at a school and saw a crazy blue and orange lizard today. Kevin is shopping for liquor, machetes, and cigars like a man. we cant` believe we`ll be home in mere kat days.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

whole lot o bloggering (C.A.) still in guatemala

the men with sticks disbanded and we finally made it to the ruins at Copan Ruinas. They were pretty cool.... for being all ruined. Nicole was in country bumpkin archeologist heaven, except it was very hot.

Ass-cending. hahaha lol j/k

we rode horses in Copan. kevin rode a lil guy, but he got him runnin good.

We saw some very rockin festivities in Coban, Guat. that is the almighty Semana Santa with processions and parties and flower, sawdust, and colored sand Jesus mandalas decorating the streets. I was like, ¨this is sooooo central american¨.

we stayed a couple of nights at a hotel in this little crap town that was miserably hot because we read that it had a courtyard boasting a collection of caged squirrels. at least we made 2 more animal friends

Nicole visited one of the streetside x-ray machines and found some startling news

so Kevin went deep into the river/cloud forest to find himself

Nicole and bamboo, together again.

Friday, April 3, 2009

monkeys, lizards, birds, dolphins, etc.

this lizard hung out in my nipple hair for a day or so without me knowing.

Kevin undercover in Suchitoto, el salvador

these parrots totally blew my cover in Copan Ruinas, Honduras.

more fun at the bird sanctuary. nicole´s so happy the parasites are gone! and the parrots took their place.

the museum is as close as we can get to the mayan ruins... a huge group of protesters armed w sticks have been blocking the entrance. we didn´t want to upset them.

kevin flying over monkey island. slowly.

adventures in upright life

suchitoto, el salvador. nicole was still ´with parasites´ but she tried to enjoy it.. there was a rad women´s rights celebration one night that i think the entire town came to.

on our way to the zoo/cave/local tourist attraction in esquipulas, guatemala.

monkey island, the highlight (aside from famous black jesus) of esquipulas.

and riding a tuk-tuk, on our way back, until.....

we got a flat tire. but the driver pushed the car over and had it changed in 2 minutes, no problema!